“ADionne Your Dream Pusher” is a weekly TV show that aspires to help people push their dreams and visions into fruition. The TV show is independently owned and Produced by ADionne and her 22-year-old son Deon. The show is also the first media project formed from the mother and son team and company “Regenerating Me LLC.” In addition, ADionne is the host of the weekly podcast show, “Chronicles of Livin Podcast Show,” that airs on all Podcast platforms. She is also a Life Purpose Coach, Book Author, Speaker, Energy Healer, and Oracle Card Reader. That believes the true meaning of “Success,” is knowing who you are, your assignment, and true purpose in life. This show will not only bring entertaining and insightful interviews through your TV or other devices. ADionne will also share energy and holistic healing tips to help you start or stay on a healthy self-healing path inside and out. Watch every week as ADionne will take you on a journey to discover businesses, entrepreneurs, artists, and entertaining people. That will encourage and motivate you to “Stop Dreaming, and Do It!
The Best Part of Life is When You Decide To Live!