Hi, I Am April ADionne Williams
Owner/Founder, Book Author, Regeneration Speaker, Podcaster and Transformation Coach
Greeting my Visionary Dreamers, I am here to help you do what I wish someone could have helped me do years ago! What is that you ask? “Get Out Your Own Way!” That’s right many of us would like a better life, break repeated cycles, and flat out make our dreams and visions become reality.
I considered myself a Transformation Advisor and Regeneration Speaker. Since I have learned how to balance my life, emotions, and thoughts after physically moving 51 times in my life and having over 30 plus different jobs by the age of 48, I realized there must be more people like me I can help break free of undesired cycles and unbreakable bondage.
God created us all in a unique fashion; therefore, we have different feelings, views, and approaches when it comes to how we live. Some people can be faced with the same issues, problems, struggles, and obstacles and all end up with different results. This is why I like to hear your story and advise you of ways you can transform your life by regenerating, reclaiming and renewing the true essence of who God created you to be.
See you soon,
ADionne “Your Dream Pusher”